What does Jem tell Scout to do about their father shooting the dog?

Asked by: Mariya Amesti
asked in category: General Last Updated: 19th June, 2020

What does Atticus do to Tim Johnson?

Respond and Explanation: Atticus shoots Tim Johnson because the domestic dog has rabies. Jem had noticed the dog walking slowly up their street. The animal appeared unstable, which Jem

In what chapter does Atticus shoot the rabid dog in To Kill a Mockingbird? Atticus is called in to deal with the mad canis familiaris, Tim Johnson, in Chapter ten of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Furthermore, why did Atticus shoot the domestic dog? In Chapter 11, Atticus shoots a mad (rabid) canis familiaris in the street. When Scout and Jem learn that their father is known equally the best shot in the entire county, they learn to see Atticus with a greater sense of respect. In a larger symbolic sense, the canis familiaris, because it has rabies, is a unsafe threat to the community.

Similarly, what does the shooting of Tim Johnson reveal near Atticus?

How does Atticus feel about how well he tin can shoot? It reveals that they are aware of each other's shooting power. Furthermore, the fact that they're are on first name basis highlights their friendship.

What did Atticus say when he shot the dog?

Sheriff Tate knows that Atticus is the all-time shot in Maycomb and gives Atticus his rifle to shoot the mad canis familiaris. Atticus reluctantly takes Sheriff Tate's burglarize, and Scout describes the scene by maxim, "In a fog, Jem and I watched our father take the gun and walk out into the middle of the street.

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Source: https://askinglot.com/what-does-atticus-do-to-tim-johnson

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